Discrete semiconductor products, such as diodes, transistors, and thyristors, are fundamental elements in modern electronic devices. These components are used for switching, amplifying, and signal modulation, forming the backbone of most electronic circuits. They play a pivotal role in power management, signal processing, and voltage regulation.
Leading manufacturers like ON Semiconductor, Vishay, and Infineon provide a wide range of discrete semiconductor products, ensuring high performance and reliability. These components are designed to meet the demands of various applications, from consumer electronics and automotive systems to industrial machinery and telecommunications.
When selecting discrete semiconductor products, factors such as voltage, current ratings, and switching speed must be considered. The right choice can optimize a circuit's performance, improve energy efficiency, and extend the lifespan of electronic devices.
Select | Images | Part Number | Mfr | Description | Datasheet | Availability | Price | Qty | RFQ | Rohs | ECAD Model |
Mfr. Part No. WS Part No. |
SCR 400V 800MA TO92-3
Datasheet |
23,000 pieces |
MOQ:1 |