Yellow Stone Corp |
Yellow Stone Corp is a distinguished manufacturer of electronic components, offering a diverse portfolio that includes connectors, switches, and sensors. Their products are essential to various applications across industries such as automotive, industrial automation, and consumer electronics. Known for their reliability and innovation, Yellow Stone Corp has established itself as a key player in the electronics market.
With a strong emphasis on research and development, Yellow Stone Corp continuously enhances its product offerings to ensure they meet the latest technological standards. Their commitment to quality is evident in their rigorous manufacturing and testing processes, which guarantee the performance and longevity of their components.
Yellow Stone Corp''s customer-centric approach involves providing excellent technical support and tailored solutions to meet specific needs. Their extensive distribution network ensures global availability, making them a trusted partner for OEMs and other industry stakeholders. Yellow Stone Corp continues to drive innovation and quality in the electronic components sector.
Headquarters no.189 Lung Chiuan Rd. Lungtan Tsuen Yilan County, Jiau-Shi Shiang, 262, Taiwan, Province of China | Phone Number +886 39287626 | Revenue <$5 Million | SIC Code 36,367 |
NAICS Code 33,334 | Website |
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