Rohm Semiconductor |
Rohm Semiconductor is a globally recognized leader in the design and manufacture of semiconductors and electronic components. Their products range from integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors to optoelectronics and passive devices.
Founded in 1958, Rohm Semiconductor prides itself on its technological prowess and customer-centric approach, consistently delivering products that drive innovation across various sectors including automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics.
Rohm’s continuous investment in R&D and its commitment to quality have cemented its reputation as a reliable source of high-performance electronic components that meet the evolving needs of a high-tech world.
Headquarters 21 Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan | Phone Number +81 75-311-2121 | Revenue $3 Billion | |
SIC Code 36,367 | NAICS Code 33,333242 | ||
Top Competitors Vishay Intertechnology|Sanken World|Ixys|ON Semiconductor|STMicroelectronics|Semtech|Elmos Semiconductor|Infineon | Website | | | |