P-tec Corporation |
P-tec Corporation is a leading manufacturer specializing in optoelectronic components and solutions. Their product lineup features LEDs, LED displays, and optoelectronic sensors designed for a wide range of applications. P-tec Corporation serves industries including automotive, medical, industrial, and consumer electronics, offering products that are recognized for their performance, durability, and energy efficiency. Their dedication to innovation and quality has established P-tec Corporation as a trusted name in the field of optoelectronics.
Headquarters 2405 Commerce Cir, Alamosa, Colorado, 81101, United States | Phone Number (970) 367-7832 | Revenue <$5 Million | |
SIC Code 36,367 | NAICS Code 33,334 | ||
Top Competitors ITRAMAS|Kent Displays|Marl International|Fox Group|Kingbright|ThreeFive|Greengage Lighting|EXALOS | Website https://www.p-tec.net/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/p-tec | http://twitter.com/PtecCorp/ |
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