MICROSS/On Semiconductor |
MICROSS is a recognized provider of advanced semiconductor solutions through their collaboration with On Semiconductor. They offer a wide range of high-reliability components designed for aerospace, defense, and industrial applications.
The product portfolio includes power management devices, discrete semiconductors, and integrated circuits that meet stringent quality standards. These products are crucial for systems where performance and reliability are of paramount importance, ensuring long-term operation under harsh conditions.
Both MICROSS and On Semiconductor are dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology and unparalleled customer service. Their combined expertise allows them to deliver tailored solutions that address the unique needs of their customers, making them a trusted partner in the semiconductor industry.
Headquarters 7725 N Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, Florida, 32810, United States | Phone Number (603) 893-9900 | Revenue $37 Million | |
SIC Code 60,602 | NAICS Code 33,334 | ||
Top Competitors America II Electronics Inc|Jaco Electronics Inc|Richardson Electronics Ltd|Semiconix Semiconductor|Mini-Circuits Inc|RFMW Ltd|Clare Inc|RCD Components Inc | Website https://www.micross.com/ | http://www.linkedin.com/company/silicon-turnkey-solutions-inc. | http://www.facebook.com/micross-components-ltd-178214925543535 |
http://www.twitter.com/microsscomps |
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